
A resolution is a written request to the SOMA House of Delegates (HOD) that asks the SOMA membership to consider adding or changing one of its policies, directing its current policy, or directing its political activities. If adopted, it becomes official policy of SOMA.

Resolutions are considered by the SOMA HOD twice yearly at the Fall and Spring conventions.

Through the Resolution process and the HOD, SOMA members are able to guide the policies and practices of National SOMA to ensure that they reflect the opinion of the general membership.

The resources below will help you in beginning the resolutions process. If you have any questions about the resolutions process, please contact the Resolutions Director, or any member of the Resolutions Reference Committee.

NOTE: Some of these documents contain formatting that may not work properly with Google Docs. It is recommended that you download them and view them with MS Word or Adobe Acrobat.

Submit a Resolution